Our Story, God’s Glory

Keynote Speakers
A message of hope for your upcoming retreat, conference, or ministry event. We’ll share our story, inspire your people, and point everyone to the hope that’s found in the Gospel of Christ.

Personal Mentoring
One-on-one guidance for anyone who wants an ongoing connection, and help making a real change for Christ.

Leadership Training
As ministry leaders ourselves, we understand the challenges you face in bringing a message of hope to all people. Are you looking for guidance? Learn from our experience.
It always starts with a personal connection…
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
Romans 10:14

Who we are
Eric & Shawna Perkins are Missionaries who travel around the Nation sharing their redemption story.
The power of the Holy Spirit is evident in the Perkins lives. They are on a mission to share with the world the power of the one and only true living God. Their story is compelling and provides hope through Jesus Christ.
A message of hope for all
Drawing from personal experience, a deep connection to the God, and years of working with people from all walks of life, Eric & Shawna have discovered the source of true hope…The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us share that transforming hope with you.
Single Parenting
Are you a single parent that desires a companion? Are you ready for the next step? Do you want to give your child/children a great example of a healthy relationship? You are in the right place. Eric & Shawna have tons of experience with single parenting and the challenges that single parents face.
Addiction & Recovery
Do you feel stuck and feel like you have lost hope? Eric can relate to the same issues. Overcoming his past drug addiction was the best thing that ever happened to him. Eric has so much knowledge and wisdom because of his past experiences with drugs.
Abuse & Abandonment
Do you or someone you know struggle with child, physical, or mental abuse. Have you been abandoned or sexually abused? Both Shawna and Eric have been down this road which often feels lonely and exhausting. They would love to share with you how Jesus healed them from these horrible experiences.
Youth & Teens
Do you have a Teenager that is struggling with Self identity? Self worth? Mental & emotional struggles? Eric & Shawna have worked with Teens for the past three years and are very skilled and knowledgeable in this area.
Poverty & Homelessness
Are you tired of being tired? Are you ready for stability and structure? Eric can share with you his long journey with poverty and homelessness as a child and his early adult years. Praise God he is a homeowner and has overcome those challenges.
Ministry Leadership
Do you have a Team that could use some inspiration and hope? Are you worn out and need some motivation? Eric and Shawna would love to come and speak to share about their experiences as well as their Ministry experiences that have launched them into God’s calling for their family.
Foster & Adoption
Fostering and Adopting are hard things to navigate through. Fortunately you are in the right place, Shawna can speak into her experience as an adopted minor and the experiences that she went through. Shawna has been able to use her experiences in the work she has done with child and teen ministry.
Life Upheaval & Transition
Have you been faced with challenges in your life that were unplanned? Hard? Tiresome? Eric & Shawna have been there. They have navigated through some times but God has always sought them through.
Marriage & Family
Are you married or soon to be? Are you dating or wanting a companion? Eric & Shawna have plenty of knowledge and experience in this area, for singles and married couples.
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